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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 v3 versus v4

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
_APE992 Posted - 02/23/2016 : 12:08:49
I bought my GQ-4X a few years back and I just checked out the IC compatibility list and found a notation about v4 programmers. How exactly would I tell if mine is a v3 and what is the difference between it and the v4?

Given the compatibility list shows only v4 on everything would I need to use The Wayback Machine to verify a particular adapter and IC will function on my programmer?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/25/2016 : 16:22:05
Look on your HDD C:\ProgramData\GQ USB Programmer\supportedList.htm
ZLM Posted - 02/23/2016 : 22:34:10
The newer version GQ-4x4 released on Oct-1-2015. There will be two beep sounds from programmer when it is power on.
So, your version must be old version.

The new version 100% accepts the adapters worked on old version GQ-4X.

But it improves flexibility. Some special adapters were eliminated.Instead, a standard adapter used. Such as 08ODOWQ chip

All Windows supported.

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