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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 ADP-019 issue?

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mirando Posted - 04/23/2016 : 10:40:01
Good day, community.

I have true usb willem programmer GQ-4x and ADP-019 adaptor.
I bought it 2 days ago and i think it's v1. Does it?
Well i decided to read 29F800BB chip. Programmer successfully read ID and binary. When i looked through the dump i found out that it has two identical halves splited at 0x80000, i.e. 0x0-0x80000 and 0x80000-0xFFFFF are identical. People said me it's impossible and dump is wrong. There should be another code at first half.

So the question is: may old version adapter cause this issue? Again, reading ID and reading dump procedures passed successfully. What are the differences between v1 and v2 adapters?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/25/2016 : 14:21:40
My pleasure!
mirando Posted - 04/25/2016 : 12:52:51
Originally posted by anniel

No only the address lines are connected and the two A19 together.

Thank you again! That works!
anniel Posted - 04/25/2016 : 09:59:39
No only the address lines are connected and the two A19 together.
mirando Posted - 04/24/2016 : 20:29:08
Originally posted by anniel

Thank you a lot, anniel! This helps a lot!

As Ican see there are a CLK, P1 and doubled A19 pins on the ADP-019v1 board. Should they be connected somwhere?
anniel Posted - 04/24/2016 : 15:00:10
mirando Posted - 04/24/2016 : 11:47:31
Answering my own question YES, IT DOES. Because using ADP-019v1 with GQ-4x u must have also ADP-053. Maybe that will help others too.

Second question is: Can anyone share the correct pinout of it (ADP-053)? Looks pretty simple and too cheap but I can't wait a lot (month or two for delivery).
I have already seen it somewhere at this forum already, but can not find it again..

Any hints and tips are extremely appreciated.
Best regards!

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