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 M25P28 taking Long time to program

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JayArr Posted - 04/28/2017 : 11:02:03

After waiting about 28 hours it failed verification at 0x000000

What a waste of time!

Anyone have any ideas why this didn't work? The file I read from the known good IC was saved as .bin, is that correct or should I have saved it as a .hex file?

devices.txt lists this as:




I've got an ST 25P28V6P in my GQ-4x4, (using adapter ADP-098).

I selected Device=M25P28V

It read the original fine but I'm trying to write to a new IC and it's been more than 12 hours and it's only at 79%

Is this normal? Will I be rewarded for my patience if I just let it finish?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 04/29/2017 : 04:59:18
Yes, too much speed sometimes causes trouble. Also look for good clean contact between the chip pins and the adapter socket.
JayArr Posted - 04/28/2017 : 21:34:19
OK, I erased then blank checked it, then I turned down the speed to "0" and with only Write checked in auto mode I wrote again, this time it verified after. WooHoo!

JayArr Posted - 04/28/2017 : 21:09:13
OK, new update. Good News Bad News:

Good News: I re-wrote the IC and the second time it took about ten minutes. I have no idea why the first time took so long.

Bad News: It still didn't verify, It looks like not all the data in any given block is being written correctly.

I've got the datasheet for the STM25P128 and have confirmed the VCC, code size, Mfg and ID. What I can't find is a reference to the W25x10 class.

Any help?

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