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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 Gq-4x4 SLOW

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SanderAlec Posted - 05/16/2017 : 05:02:19
Hello , i own a gq4x4 , software to the latest 7.11 but its slow. Im mainly programming W25Q64FWSIG or W25Q64CV (8 meg flash) and its taking its time ( ~ 8 minutes per operation ) doesnt matter if i read or write.

Back in the days i had a gq-4x which was working like a charm.
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anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 04:56:41
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by GQ5XSupport

If you program 8M chip often, consider use GQ 5X. It reads in less than 2 seconds.

What's the official time for a 8M chip on th GQ-4X?

+1 A complete speed table would be nice.

supervizeur Posted - 08/03/2017 : 06:16:58
Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by GQ5XSupport

If you program 8M chip often, consider use GQ 5X. It reads in less than 2 seconds.

What's the official time for a 8M chip on th GQ-4X?

+1 A complete speed table would be nice.
anniel Posted - 07/27/2017 : 14:09:15
Originally posted by GQ5XSupport

If you program 8M chip often, consider use GQ 5X. It reads in less than 2 seconds.

What's the official time for a 8M chip on th GQ-4X?
GQ5XSupport Posted - 07/21/2017 : 04:22:31
If you program 8M chip often, consider use GQ 5X. It reads in less than 2 seconds.
supervizeur Posted - 06/04/2017 : 09:11:25
anniel Posted - 05/29/2017 : 09:56:34
We'll never know.
supervizeur Posted - 05/29/2017 : 06:18:18
Curious here also.
anniel Posted - 05/23/2017 : 10:30:31
Did you find the problem?
SanderAlec Posted - 05/19/2017 : 02:31:33
SanderAlec Posted - 05/17/2017 : 07:43:21
This is the output from gq4x4 for a w25q64fwsig (1.8 , im using adapter) - doesnt matter as im getting the same results on the 3.3v ones eg w25q64fvsig
ID check OK
Reading... Buffer
Elapsed time: 282.26 seconds.
Read completed.

Elapsed time: 34.43 seconds.
Erase completed.

Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 326.50 seconds.
Device write completed OK

if i snap the same chip onto the chineese clone (ezp) gets the job done in 1 minute.
SanderAlec Posted - 05/17/2017 : 07:31:35
On the same cable + same usb port im using ezp and elnec . both are working fine. only gq is slow ....

edit. just tested now the OLD gq4x and worked as expected (read / write fast)

the new one 4x4 its still slow.
anniel Posted - 05/16/2017 : 08:21:00
Bad USB cables often slow down transfer speed.

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