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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 GQ-4x4 failed write

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gusdaver Posted - 09/06/2017 : 11:25:41

It is the first time that I try to write Flash eprom M29f400BB with psop44 but I receive message ''write address failed 0x002000''
The steps that I do is :
1. I choose the flash thatI will work
2. I put the eprom in adapter psop44
3. I read the eprom
4. I erase the eprom
5. I do blank check
everthing is ok
6.I try to write eprom and I receive the message above.
I have try to remove the adapter psop44 and epro 29f400 and put it again to the programmer but the problem still remain.

Could someone help me to solve this propblem

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2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anniel Posted - 09/15/2017 : 06:37:07
Originally posted by gusdaver


The problem solved after clean the pins of eprom.

+1 Many times oxydation is a problem.
gusdaver Posted - 09/06/2017 : 22:25:30

The problem solved after clean the pins of eprom.

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