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 SST39SF040 Write Fails

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gumi Posted - 08/02/2018 : 21:48:01

I have a brand new batch of 39SF040 chips from Mouser. Most of the chips (7 out of 10) fail when writing using my GQ-4x4. They all fail at the same address every time: Write failed, Address=0x01546D, Buffer=0x80 Device=0xC0.

I'm experienced burning flash chips and I've tried all of the usual troubleshooting methods/handling precautions I know of. I'm hoping I missed something and someone can help me out.

It seems unlikely that 7/10 chips would be bad straight from the manufacturer but that's a possibility. I'm wondering if there's a problem with my GQ-4x4, though it does seem to be writing 27C040s just fine, plus I burned an old 39SF040 from an different batch about 10 times over the past two days without issue.

Thanks for any help!
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gumi Posted - 08/02/2018 : 22:37:58
Thanks for the quick response!

There does indeed appear to be some kind of incompatibility. I was able to complete the writing process at -2 speed but verify fails and there are errors when doing a parity check on the data. I also receive occasional errors when trying to erase the chip, which I hadn't seen before, but it doesn't happen every time I try to erase.

I will try contacting support and hope this chip can work with the GQ-4x4. Thanks for your help.
ZLM Posted - 08/02/2018 : 21:57:12
It seems those chips may have programming compatibility issue.

Try to slow down the speed.

If it still does not work, it is best to ask for ending a testing chip to MCUmall to fin out the problem and fix it in software if possible.

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