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 New GQ 4x4 user....need help..Please
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5 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2017 :  14:49:12  Show Profile
I just started using the GQ 4x4 for pinball eproms.
I purchased a few AM2716B 12.5v eproms. I used the programmer to make a sound chip for a pinball just to see if everything worked.

All was well, and sound eprom AM2716B 12.5v worked perfect.
Now I am trying to make more roms with the 2716B and keep getting write errors. I even tried to make another sound rom and still now get write error.

Seems something is wrong as I previously made a good sound rom with the same 2716B, but now get write errors every time.

I tried external 6v power, slower speed, still same error.

Can anyone help me with some advice or suggestions?

Thanks Much

Reply #1


2577 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2017 :  16:27:40  Show Profile
Originally posted by thorobred

I just started using the GQ 4x4 for pinball eproms.
I purchased a few AM2716B 12.5v eproms. I used the programmer to make a sound chip for a pinball just to see if everything worked.

All was well, and sound eprom AM2716B 12.5v worked perfect.
Now I am trying to make more roms with the 2716B and keep getting write errors. I even tried to make another sound rom and still now get write error.

Seems something is wrong as I previously made a good sound rom with the same 2716B, but now get write errors every time.

I tried external 6v power, slower speed, still same error.

Can anyone help me with some advice or suggestions?

Thanks Much

Did you erase it correctly?
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Reply #2


5 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2017 :  04:35:41  Show Profile
Thank You for your reply.

I used the EPROM eraser I got with the GQ 4x4. I ran blank check before every try, and GQ software said chip is blank. Is there a special way to erase correctly? I am very new to this and really don't know anything about burning eproms.

I did notice one of the 2716 eprom always comes up as not blank no matter how many times I erase it.

The errors I get are so fast into the write process that the chip is still blank when using blank check. The error I get with the sound file I burned sucessfully once is this

"Write Failed, Address = 0x000000, buffer = 0x87 device = 0xFF

The error for the other file is:

"Write Failed, address = 0x000000, buffer = 0x1A Device = 0xFF

What is the time period for correctly erasing an eprom?

I'm not sure but I think the good eproms I made were used as I received them.

Seems any eprom I erased wont work, not sure on this as I just thought of it.

The eraser is one that came with the GQ 4x4 as a package. It looks very cheap but it came from GQ 4x4 manufacture.

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Reply #3


2577 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2017 :  06:24:09  Show Profile
Originally posted by thorobred

Thank You for your reply.

I used the EPROM eraser I got with the GQ 4x4. I ran blank check before every try, and GQ software said chip is blank. Is there a special way to erase correctly? I am very new to this and really don't know anything about burning eproms.

I did notice one of the 2716 eprom always comes up as not blank no matter how many times I erase it.

The errors I get are so fast into the write process that the chip is still blank when using blank check. The error I get with the sound file I burned sucessfully once is this

"Write Failed, Address = 0x000000, buffer = 0x87 device = 0xFF

The error for the other file is:

"Write Failed, address = 0x000000, buffer = 0x1A Device = 0xFF

What is the time period for correctly erasing an eprom?

I'm not sure but I think the good eproms I made were used as I received them.

Seems any eprom I erased wont work, not sure on this as I just thought of it.

The eraser is one that came with the GQ 4x4 as a package. It looks very cheap but it came from GQ 4x4 manufacture.


If one chip does not erase well it's probably bad.
Do you use external power to program?
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Reply #4


5 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2017 :  07:21:31  Show Profile
Yes I am using a 6v external power supply.

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Reply #5


2577 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2017 :  11:45:06  Show Profile
Originally posted by thorobred

Yes I am using a 6v external power supply.

You need 9V.
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Reply #6


5 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2017 :  11:25:24  Show Profile
OK, I'll try 9v

But I think the eproms are bad.

Got them off ebay, seller is sending 4 more from a different batch.

Thanks for all your help.
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Reply #7


5 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2017 :  11:26:02  Show Profile
OK, I'll try 9v

But I think the eproms are bad.

Got them off ebay, seller is sending 4 more from a different batch.

Thanks for all your help.
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Reply #8


2577 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2017 :  16:16:56  Show Profile
Originally posted by thorobred

OK, I'll try 9v

But I think the eproms are bad.

Got them off ebay, seller is sending 4 more from a different batch.

Thanks for all your help.

Let me guess... from China.
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