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 GQ 4x4 Drivers help please...
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Posted - 07/06/2017 :  04:31:47  Show Profile

Never thought I'd be stuck at step 1. Plugged it in. 2 beeps. Windows claims its broken and has no driver etc.
I've scoured the forum to find a solutions to no avail.

So far... after much failure...
The drivers wont install the usual way. (Nothing happens) So
I've manually installed the 'Cypress FX2LP EEPROM ' from the list (Device manager --- USB --- Have disk etc.) it STILL shows 'this device cannot start (error10) Meaning windows has no idea why... Nothing I do seems to work... This seems such a simple question, and I'm sure its been covered before, I looked at a number of threads most explained the standard way of installing the drivers... but of coarse that didn't work. It originally showed as unknown device. It's since changed to Cypress FX2LP (Or what ever specific driver I tried...I've tried a few, I just assumed this was the correct one.)

Any who, hopefully some one has experienced the same issue and has already conquered it! Thanks in advance.

Reply #1


462 Posts

Posted - 07/09/2017 :  08:29:01  Show Profile
Originally posted by XG850


Never thought I'd be stuck at step 1. Plugged it in. 2 beeps. Windows claims its broken and has no driver etc.
I've scoured the forum to find a solutions to no avail.

So far... after much failure...
The drivers wont install the usual way. (Nothing happens) So
I've manually installed the 'Cypress FX2LP EEPROM ' from the list (Device manager --- USB --- Have disk etc.) it STILL shows 'this device cannot start (error10) Meaning windows has no idea why... Nothing I do seems to work... This seems such a simple question, and I'm sure its been covered before, I looked at a number of threads most explained the standard way of installing the drivers... but of coarse that didn't work. It originally showed as unknown device. It's since changed to Cypress FX2LP (Or what ever specific driver I tried...I've tried a few, I just assumed this was the correct one.)

Any who, hopefully some one has experienced the same issue and has already conquered it! Thanks in advance.

Wich OS?
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Reply #2


2578 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2017 :  04:24:36  Show Profile
Originally posted by supervizeur

Originally posted by XG850


Never thought I'd be stuck at step 1. Plugged it in. 2 beeps. Windows claims its broken and has no driver etc.
I've scoured the forum to find a solutions to no avail.

So far... after much failure...
The drivers wont install the usual way. (Nothing happens) So
I've manually installed the 'Cypress FX2LP EEPROM ' from the list (Device manager --- USB --- Have disk etc.) it STILL shows 'this device cannot start (error10) Meaning windows has no idea why... Nothing I do seems to work... This seems such a simple question, and I'm sure its been covered before, I looked at a number of threads most explained the standard way of installing the drivers... but of coarse that didn't work. It originally showed as unknown device. It's since changed to Cypress FX2LP (Or what ever specific driver I tried...I've tried a few, I just assumed this was the correct one.)

Any who, hopefully some one has experienced the same issue and has already conquered it! Thanks in advance.

Wich OS?

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Reply #3


1 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2017 :  16:57:42  Show Profile
I am having the exact same issue. I just got my programmer today and I cannot get the driver to load without error 10. Any clue what is causing this?

Bradley M. Chitwood
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Reply #4


2578 Posts

Posted - 11/17/2017 :  07:03:46  Show Profile
Originally posted by chitwoodb

I am having the exact same issue. I just got my programmer today and I cannot get the driver to load without error 10. Any clue what is causing this?

Wich OS?
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