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 Having a devil of time trying to read or program
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Posted - 05/02/2020 :  00:32:08  Show Profile
Hi all,

I have the old style willem programmer -- PCB5.0 and PCB3.5 --

and I am trying to read and write Intel AB28F200BX-B.

Problem is, while willem has the option (i28F200BX-B in device menu) and it correctly identifies as Intel 28F200, the reads are not the same. The buffer and the device never match -- meaning when I do a read, it reads just fine...but when I click verify to verify that it actually read, it spits errors.

Comparing the .bin from willem to a known good programmer shows that willem introduces garbage, even though it CAN read in areas that others cannot. WinOLS cannot read the file, but can easily read the .bin from known good programmer.

Then when I have a known good .bin file to program into it, and I erase the chip, it erase it....but it is not a complete erase. And it keeps spitting out errors after programming and says the value on the chip does not match buffer.

I am frustrated, maybe wondering if I am goofing up something. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Reply #1


2578 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2020 :  04:31:34  Show Profile
Originally posted by Demotitive

Hi all,

I have the old style willem programmer -- PCB5.0 and PCB3.5 --

and I am trying to read and write Intel AB28F200BX-B.

Problem is, while willem has the option (i28F200BX-B in device menu) and it correctly identifies as Intel 28F200, the reads are not the same. The buffer and the device never match -- meaning when I do a read, it reads just fine...but when I click verify to verify that it actually read, it spits errors.

Comparing the .bin from willem to a known good programmer shows that willem introduces garbage, even though it CAN read in areas that others cannot. WinOLS cannot read the file, but can easily read the .bin from known good programmer.

Then when I have a known good .bin file to program into it, and I erase the chip, it erase it....but it is not a complete erase. And it keeps spitting out errors after programming and says the value on the chip does not match buffer.

I am frustrated, maybe wondering if I am goofing up something. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Are you certain your programmer is fully functional?
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Reply #2


3 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2020 :  22:39:31  Show Profile
Originally posted by anniel

[quote]Originally posted by Demotitive
Are you certain your programmer is fully functional?

Yes, I know it works with AM29F400 and AM29F800, plus various eeproms. I'm just not sure what 28F200 requires, really.

I was researching and turns out that I may have missed the erase step -- apparently the erase button on the program and the erase button that you find on the Device menu are two different thing.

Also I may need to swap the power supply, one of the theory was that the power supply may not be able to supply sufficient amperage, and I am indeed using a different power supply than the original one I used with AM29F400.
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Reply #3


3 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2020 :  20:59:08  Show Profile
Turns out it was the power supply, plus I forgot to disable the disable write to 0xFF feature. Once that was done, then suddenly perfect read and perfect write.

I'm so happy.
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Reply #4


2578 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  03:02:04  Show Profile
Originally posted by Demotitive

Originally posted by anniel

[quote]Originally posted by Demotitive
Are you certain your programmer is fully functional?

Yes, I know it works with AM29F400 and AM29F800, plus various eeproms. I'm just not sure what 28F200 requires, really.

I was researching and turns out that I may have missed the erase step -- apparently the erase button on the program and the erase button that you find on the Device menu are two different thing.

Also I may need to swap the power supply, one of the theory was that the power supply may not be able to supply sufficient amperage, and I am indeed using a different power supply than the original one I used with AM29F400.

Yes, a good power source is mandatory.
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Reply #5


2578 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  03:02:16  Show Profile
Originally posted by Demotitive

Turns out it was the power supply, plus I forgot to disable the disable write to 0xFF feature. Once that was done, then suddenly perfect read and perfect write.

I'm so happy.

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