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Posted - 02/05/2008 :  13:15:11  Show Profile
I recently purchased an Easypro 90B and can't seem to get it working. I have followed the help file to no avail. I have read a file from a chip and sved this data. What I can't seem to get to working is to copy this progam back to another erased chip. Any help would be greatly appreaciated.
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2008 :  17:02:22  Show Profile
steps to copy an EPROM chip:

1. Connect the programmer, run software.
2. Select the chip type.
3. insert the original chip, make sure the orientation is correct.
4. read the chip, save the data in buffer if needed.
5. remove the original chip and then put the new blank chip in same position in the ZIF.
6. blank check the chip see if the chip is blank indeed.
7. write the chip.


steps to write a new EPROM chip from a saved data file:

1. Connect the programmer, run software.
2. Select the chip type.
3. open the data file you would like to write.
4. put the new blank chip in same position in the ZIF.
5. blank check the chip see if the chip is blank indeed.
6. write the chip.
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