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 Top2004 with Intel D27513 = major headache
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Posted - 06/03/2008 :  12:37:47  Show Profile
Im having a major headache with this odd chip. It's a paged EPROM with 4 16k pages. Its made by Intel but it isnt listed under Intel. Its listed under several different manufacturers: General, Microchip and "???" Well, every time I read the EPROM it gives a different checksum so I have very little faith that these are being read correctly.. any advice??

BTW, What I *think* is happening is its trying to read them like a regular 27512. The 27513 only has 14 address lines. The other two pins are Write Enable and RESET (control lines for bank selection) so when it tries to access the upper addresses its just randomly switching banks and thus getting random data at every read.

Edited by - brandon9271 on 06/03/2008 19:09:29
Reply #1


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Posted - 06/10/2008 :  16:34:41  Show Profile
Well I can say with 100% certainty that the Top2004 does not read or write the Intel 27513 EPROM collectly even though it says it does. I have tried for over a week and had zero luck. The most obvious was to know something is wrong is to note that everytime you read a 27513 the checksum is different. Also, if you insert a 27C512 in there instead of the 27513 it still reads the data correctly.. One has 14 bit address the other has 16 so it shouldnt read both 27512 and 27513 the same.. What a POS
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