Hi, 1)I received the AVRISP MK|| and I see it at COM4. When I press the CON button I choose the AVRISP|| and the only available port option is USB. How do I connect to the AVRISP MK||? 2)Can I update the firmaware? I am using Avr studio 4.14 Thanks.
USE IT AS AVRISP MKII: ======================== 1. Run AVR Studio 4 and click on CONNECT icon 2. Select JTAGICE mkII and select comport from the port list. Make sure your comport number is correct. To check the comport number assigned in the computer system manager in the control panel. 3.Once you click the Connect button, you will get into the JTAG ICE MKII programming window. In the window, set programming mode to ISP Mode. 4.Select device type. You will be able to program the device.
You can check the programmer without connecting to a target.
You do not need to upgrade the firmware. If you already did upgrade, please make sure you copied the upgrade data file from the CD to your hard disk. Follow the user guide for the instructions.
AVR studio 4.14. will be fine.
Once connected the programmer, the blue LED should be flashing. If not, you need to upgrade the frimware from CD.
DO NOT select AVRISP MKII from the connection window. Select JTAGICE MKII instead.