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Posted - 11/25/2010 :  15:25:39  Show Profile
Hello All,
I own and run a small Industrial and Consumer Electronics Service Shop.
Now and then I need to read and copy EPROMs and the like.
So far a simple Willem 45 was doing the job, but now I'm facing a module with a defective PALCE16V8H chip. I determined that by comparing the signatures with a good one (on Huntron ProTrack).
I bought an old BP PLD 1100 on eBAy but it failed to ID the chip, BP doesn't support this Legacy programmer.
So I'm shopping around, I think I want to buy a more powerful programmer that would serve me for a while. I looked at number of them: BP,Xeltek, Vellon, TOP and some. I'm leaning towards Xeltek 500S as it has ISP capability and cover quite a range of devices PLD inclusive.
I've done some reading that has not clear the picture for me, it's my first PLD device and it's not clear to me if I can read a good chip and then burn the new one (providing of course it's not secured).
Note from Xeltek manual says:'The system cannot read PLD devices since the test vector is not in the chip'.
Does it refer to this in context that chip was secured?, that's my interpretation as many other sources indicates that PLDs can be read.
Any feedback (including what programmer is recommended)would be great.
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2010 :  12:47:43  Show Profile
If a programmer supports a PLD chips, then it should be able to read a PLD chip. After a write, the programmer always do a verification step, which is a reading and verification.

Not sure what it is means on the note "The system cannot read PLD devices since the test vector is not in the chip.".
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