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 Porsche EPROM 28 PIN "911"
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Want to be

6 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2011 :  09:52:13  Show Profile
Hello guys,

I just received the USB GQ-4X Willem EPROM BIOS chip Burner Programmer a few days ago and attempted to view what type of EPROM came from my Porsche 911 (3.2 engine).

My Willem programmer advised me the chip is a AM27256. I was told the compatible chip is a M27C256.

So i purchased a few to begin programing. My first question, what program do i use to view and adjust the OEM automotive chip settings. My first goal is to adjust the rev limiter and then look at making the car leaner for a customized engine set up.

I hope someone can provide me the details to begin my project. If i had some type of headings for each column of data, that would be a HUGE start.

PS if needed i can post the program i pulled from the 28 pin Porsche 911 chip.

Thank you


Chaney's Unlimited
Jean-Philip Chaney

Edited by - Want to be on 05/10/2011 09:54:57
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2011 :  23:59:15  Show Profile
If you have a working chip, then we call it "original chip".

Here is the things you may start with:
1. read the "original chip" data and save the data into a file. Then keep the"original chip" to a safe place.
2. load the data file you saved the write the data into the M27C256. Then try to install the M27C256 to see if your machine accept it. Most likely it will.
3. then you can start to change some data based on the "original chip" data. Re-program the M27C256 chip and try it on your machine.
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Reply #2

Want to be

6 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2011 :  09:53:11  Show Profile
Yes i meant, OEM chip, aka original chip working chip.

Good point, i will do this once my EPROMS come available in the next few days. I know i can make an update, since i had already attempted to change the file with some bogus numbers and then saved it to my C drive. I guess my next test is to actually write it to my new EPROMs.

My problem after getting the first chip changed would be to fully understand all the numbers and FF codes.

I was shocked on how many columns and number is being ran on this chip. The only thing i understood was the last row, ASCII data, the software number of the chip.

To my surprise when checking a few other chips, i was not able to read them even though its the same type of car. Is it due to the different type of EPROMs?

The device button displayed the following info on a few chips, others were blank.
8FC2, National NMC27C64 "after market chip but for the same car"
2004, ST Micro , M27256B
9b08, Eurotechnique, 27C64A

The chip i can't read has to swiggle marks, LB9048, NMC27C64Q, its an OEM and is the best running chip on the dyno. What type of chip is this one and why i am having troubles reading the best running chip, go figure. LOL

Sorry for soooooooooooo many question. I will do what you say, i should get my hardeware on Friday and do some programing on Sunday, test on Monday.


Chaney's Unlimited
Jean-Philip Chaney
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Reply #3

Want to be

6 Posts

Posted - 05/17/2011 :  09:26:17  Show Profile
I programed the chip but the car will not fire. No spark.

I was told by an OS source that i was using the incorrect chip. He told me i needed a 28C64B. I am working out the details and will post what chip i actual need.


Chaney's Unlimited
Jean-Philip Chaney

Edited by - Want to be on 05/17/2011 09:27:28
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Reply #4

Want to be

6 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2011 :  06:14:24  Show Profile
Well good news, i found out my chip size was wrong. I had a 964 size chip versus an earlier oem sized chip. While i am going to purchase a few more EPROMs and or EE's, i wanted to see what i could do to fill up the extra data room. Needless to say, my friend told me to stack the data four times. After stacking the data, i made my 3rd attempt, first on stacking, to see if the car actual ran after my burn. The car started, mission accomplished, YES!!!!
Now, i need to begin understanding how to manage the xdf files. I was a given few of the files to unlock and or filter the data. The filter tool gives me the ability to look at 10 percent of the data.

I just need to understand what each management function means. I am heading to my mechanic shop tomorrow so he can explain what each term means.

Next mission, too change data and compare the changes to engine dyno.

Let the fun or confusion begin.


Chaney's Unlimited
Jean-Philip Chaney

Edited by - Want to be on 05/22/2011 06:51:16
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