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 just starting trying to erase a W29C020C-90B
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19 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2006 :  20:48:05  Show Profile
can someone give me some info and help total nob just starting several questions.
first what do I need to do with the ICSP its in red but does say to do anything to it.tried earseing the chip ( W29C020C-90B) and it gets a error .
doesn't matter were I set sector size it always comes up as a error Altough I think it needs to be left at 256. are their any how to guides any were here or some where else to help me get started .
how do I erase this chip for writing
and does it make a differance if I use 2K-XP instead of 98-ME what do I need to do to use with 2K-XP

Edited by - k on 11/19/2006 20:52:17
Reply #1


46 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2006 :  13:25:10  Show Profile

What program version are you using? 0.97ja has a bug that affects small sector erase. Your device has 128 byte pages; I still don't understand why we're given options that won't work...

Small sector devices can simply be overwritten. If you want to erase, use 0.97g; or try programming all 0xff.

The ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header is only used for programming serial devices in-circuit...

I haven't seen any comprehensive user guides for any Willem programmer and programs.

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Reply #2


19 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2006 :  20:47:37  Show Profile
Ok switched from 0.97ja to 0.97g. set it up the way it said as I intrpet the switches. off,off,on,off,on,on,off,off,off,on,on,off.vcc jp7 on the middle and bottom pin 5volts. jp1 and jp2 seems to erase,blank check comes up ok empty.but the stucker won't program. get write error sector Zero.does using XP make a difference got XP sp1 installed on a clean formatted hard driveno updates so no firewall no antivirus installed nopop blocker installed or even spyware checker still won't program.not sure aboit harware monitor think its always on in the bios not sure on XP.and what does test H/W do, I assume it test your hardware somehow but should a chip be installed also noticed the chip switch seting are different. is their a users beginners guide somewere.
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Reply #3


19 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2006 :  20:53:07  Show Profile
interesting I switched te sector size down to 64 and got a write error a sector 3 erased it tried again same thing error at sector 3 not sector zero , repeted it a couple of more times got a error at sector 4 and a error at sector 5. is their any way to set the sector size smaller than 64

Edited by - k on 11/21/2006 23:02:45
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Reply #4


46 Posts

Posted - 11/22/2006 :  08:36:57  Show Profile

You can't change the sector size; using anything other than the correct number should fail.

The way these devices work is that the program sends the data to be programmed a byte at a time until it fills the page buffer in the device. If the program can't do this within the time limit imposed by the device, the device will program whatever was downloaded before time expired and the remaining bytes in the page will be in an indeterminate state. Changing the sector size to be smaller or larger than what the device supports doesn't make sense.

After each sector is programmed, it's verified and the device will fail after the first sector that doesn't program correctly.

The time limit is the reason the program warns you to stop all unnecessary programs.

When you test your programmer in Test H/W, you normally set the DIP12 as indicated. This will route signals to their typical DIP32 locations. If you're having problems with a specific device, you can set your programmer for that device and test signals relative to that device. Testing should be done with no device in the programming sockets unless you're looking for problems such as voltage drops. Whenever you insert/remove a device, VCC and VPP must be disabled. VCC must always be enabled before VPP and disabled after VPP. Failure to follow correct power sequencing can damage your device. It will probably manifest itself as a reliability issue vs. immediate/complete failure.

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