Hey guys I recently purchased a serial port pic programmer which programs 8 pin chips. Currently there are a few ebay members who are making money selling selling what are called rapid fire xbox 360 controllers. I have installed a few myself and the installation is not difficult it consists of soldering together about 10 wires to the chip board. I can purchase all these materials at a low cost including the 8pin 555 timer I just don't know where to start when it comes to programming the chip. My goal is to be able to program the chip to perform a function of pressing the right trigger about 10-20 times in a second. I've been doing some research and I what I was wandering is if this would do the job.
#include <12F683.h> #device adc=8 #fuses NOWDT,INTRC_IO, NOCPD, NOPROTECT, MCLR, NOPUT, NOBROWNOUT, IESO, FCMEN #use delay(clock=8000000)
void main() {
int loop;
port_a_pullups(FALSE); setup_adc_ports(sAN0|sAN1|VSS_VDD); setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL); setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_1); setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1); setup_comparator(NC_NC); setup_vref(FALSE); setup_oscillator(OSC_INTRC);
output_low(PIN_A4); output_high(PIN_A5); for(;;) { if (!loop) { loop=50; output_toggle(PIN_A4); output_toggle(PIN_A5); } loop--; } }
HEX File Version 1.1 (faster and Pull-ups turned off):
:1000000000308A000428000084011F30830571300D :1000100083168F0083121F1383161F109F101F114A :100020009F110730831299008316950181170108EB :10003000C73908388100831290010030A100920076 :10004000003083169200073083129900831605084A :1000500006308312A000A00B2B28000019088C1179 :100060008316990101308F008312A60183160512B1 :10007000831205128316851283128516A608031DA6 :100080004D283230A60083160512103083128506E3 :1000900083168512203083128506A6033E2863004E :02400E00F43C80 :00000001FF ;PIC12F683
Thanks for your help guys. |