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 Re-install the USB Driver for USB PIC Programmer
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Posted - 03/01/2008 :  08:20:42  Show Profile
If your programmer driver not loaded correctly. You need to uninstall the unknow device first, and then install the driver, and then connect the programmer again.

Here is the steps:

1. Disconnect the programmer first.
2. In device manager view, connect the programmer. You will see a fresh on the device list and there should be one more "Unknown Device" icon with "?" in the Other devices list just been added.
3. Right click on that icon, select "Uninstall..." to uninstall the driver.
4. Run PL2303Xp2k.exe file to install the USB driver.
5. Disconnect and reconnect again the programmer.
6. The Windows should detect the programmer and install the driver automatically.
7. After driver loaded. You can see a new COM port is added under Ports(COM & LPT).
8.In device manager view, under item Ports(COM & LPT). You will see:
Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port(COM?). Here the "?" is the COM port number assigned to your programmer. Remember this port number, and assign this port number to your programmer software to let your software talk with your programmer.
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