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Posted - 03/31/2008 :  10:55:42  Show Profile
I've been looking at picking up a programmer for a little project, but I'm a little overwhelmed by the choices, and lingo. I was hoping that I could share some information and people more knowledgeable than myself could tell me if I'm on the right track, or off my rocker.

I recently picked up a Coleco ADAM vintage computer. I'm having trouble getting the unit to work, and I'd like to try checking / replacing a number of the 2764 ROM chips on one of the boards. I was thinking that in order to do this I would need to pickup a programmer (I was eying up the Willem True USB), a couple of 2764 chips (eeprom? eprom?) and the code from the ROM chips (obtained from a Coleco ADAM emulator). Then I should be able to send the known good code down to a chip, and do a chip replacement on the board to ensure that I have good ROMs. Am I on the right track? Is this a reasonable thing to do? Will the Willem True USB suit my needs? Do I need any adapters?

I'd greatly appreciate any input.

Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2008 :  00:03:45  Show Profile
Yes, you are on the right track. The True USB Willem supports 2764 EPROM. You just need to load the code and write to a blank 2764 EPROM.

Also, I am sure you need a UV eraser to erase the EPROM. See:
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