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 EAccess Violation Problem solved!
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Posted - 11/16/2005 :  02:12:03  Show Profile

I just solved this bloody EAccess Violation problem. Now my TOP2004 programmer works perfectly and I can start it as much as I want.

The problem was - well, let's say - very easy.

Everytime the TopWinEn (I think TopWin too) closes, it writes a file "top2004.cfg" in the program directory. There are some configuration paramters stored in plaintext but realy is not important!
Somehow, the program has a Extended Access Violation exception if this file is existig during startup. It has nothing to do with the USB driver or the device. If you have both drivers (WinDriver for the Jungo USB API used for USB Support in Windows User Mode and TOP Programmer driver which Windows installs because it sees the USB device) working with no yellow explanation mark in the control panel trust the program it will manage USB well.

So, the solution is simple, just delete this cfg-file before you start the program. It works perfectly!

Another thing I found out is this "Reload USB driver"-Tool. It simply starts a new process called wdreg.exe (see it in the task manager). Watch out that you only have one instance of this process in the task manager. If you start the tool again it installs another instance of this process.

On my system once the drivers as descriped above are working - I don't need the wdreg.exe running. As the name tells, I think it has something to do this registration of a windows driver. Maybe only in the registry - I don't know exactly.

So I'm happy to have this unit working and I hope it will enjoy me in future writing and reading to EPROMs.

I hope this issue is now solved for everyone. I would like to hear from you if you can fix the problem.

Greetings from Switzerland,

Lukas Leuthold
Reply #1


138 Posts

Posted - 11/18/2005 :  01:30:12  Show Profile
Thank you very much for your information. I had this problem on one computer and I did not know how to fix it. Now I can try your method.
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Reply #2


1 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2006 :  17:48:01  Show Profile
Thanks so much for the info on that EAcces Violation. It worked great for about 4 programmings and then it just died. This thing is so tempermental. After 8 more restarts I got to work for 6 more chips. Any other secrets you have about keeping this thing working would be gratly appreciated
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