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 problem programer stc 89c53rc wiht top 2007
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Posted - 08/09/2009 :  07:31:37  Show Profile
hi , i have a problem when i programer a mcu stc 89c53rc , i can not write , it have must e protection funtion for write or i dont know . help me thanks .
Reply #1


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2009 :  04:30:24  Show Profile
according to the datasheet i downloaded
this ic stc89C53RC requires 5v vcc as its supply
MPU STC STC89C53RC ,STC89 3 ,vcc=3300 << this is the string from the device2049 config file
in the top folder

here is the datasheet but allow adobe to download charicter set and
look at page 3 table


yet another bold example of the guys who write the software are maybe having a bit too much tiger beer

here is an extract from the device2049 file {same as other programmers}
these programmers are taking the p... out there employer i feel
knowone is this stupid not even me
no wonder some people's devices destroy driver transistors etc inside the programmer
i feel we must run some sort of quality control master file we can all use
becouse it appears the maker doesnt care or something
gota be taking the biscuit????

however just change the vcc=3300
in the right branch for the chip your using to vcc=5000
then it will program
in this state it may or not read correctly also
and i see another with this same issue and similar ic

........ these are not correct and should be vcc=5000
MPU STC STC89C53RC ,STC89 3 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C53RC*P44 ,STC89 3 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C53RC*Q44 ,STC89 3 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C54RD+ ,STC89 4 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C54RD+*P44 ,STC89 4 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C54RD+*Q44 ,STC89 4 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C58RD+ ,STC89 5 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C58RD+*P44 ,STC89 5 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C58RD+*Q44 ,STC89 5 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C516RD+ ,STC89 6 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C516RD+*P44 ,STC89 6 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89C516RD+*Q44 ,STC89 6 ,vcc=3300

.... these have no vcc set so wont read or writer
.....and will eat current if low vcc supplied as it is

MPU STC STC89C58AD ,STC516X2 4 #00
MPU STC STC89C58AD*P44 ,STC516X2 4 #00
MPU STC STC89C58AD*Q44 ,STC516X2 4 #00

MPU STC STC89C516AD ,STC516X2 5 #55,00
MPU STC STC89C516AD*P44 ,STC516X2 5 #55,00
MPU STC STC89C516AD*Q44 ,STC516X2 5 #55,00

MPU STC STC89C516X2 ,STC516X2 5 #55,00
MPU STC STC89C516X2*P44 ,STC516X2 5 #55,00
MPU STC STC89C516X2*Q44 ,STC516X2 5 #55,00

------------------------ these are correct at 3.3v
MPU STC STC89LE51RC ,STC89 1 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE51RC*P44 ,STC89 1 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE51RC*Q44 ,STC89 1 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE52RC ,STC89 2 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE52RC*P44 ,STC89 2 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE52RC*Q44 ,STC89 2 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE53RC ,STC89 3 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE53RC*P44 ,STC89 3 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE53RC*Q44 ,STC89 3 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE54RD+ ,STC89 4 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE54RD+*P44 ,STC89 4 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE54RD+*Q44 ,STC89 4 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE58RD+ ,STC89 5 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE58RD+*P44 ,STC89 5 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE58RD+*Q44 ,STC89 5 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE516RD+ ,STC89 6 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE516RD+*P44 ,STC89 6 ,vcc=3300
MPU STC STC89LE516RD+*Q44 ,STC89 6 ,vcc=3300

my strong advice is to read the relevent datasheet for the type of ic
your looking to plug in !!!

then and only then once your sure its vcc level
and have adjusted it if needed in the relevent devicexxxx file within the top folder on your hdd
you can try to read and write it

this will avoid damage...

i did notice in the config
some chips 3.3v types set as 5v!!!!! this will screw up the programmer for sure

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled

Edited by - simeon on 08/21/2009 03:12:14
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Reply #2


United Kingdom
79 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2009 :  04:43:26  Show Profile
MPU STC STC89C51RC(4K+4K) ,STC89 1
MPU STC STC89C52RC(8K+4K) ,STC89 2
MPU STC STC89C53RC(12K+4K) ,STC89 3
MPU STC STC89C54RD+(16K+4K) ,STC89 4
MPU STC STC89C58RD+(32K+4K) ,STC89 5
MPU STC STC89C516RD+(64K+4K) ,STC89 6
MPU STC STC89C58AD ,STC516X2 4 #00
MPU STC STC89C516AD ,STC516X2 5 #55,00
MPU STC STC89C516X2 ,STC516X2 2 #55,00

example is
in the config file device2007 youll see they havent even set a vcc
im surprised if it will read or write

just add ,vcc=5000 {check your type's carefully by the datasheet}

machine toshiba equium laptop usb only type
p5b asus main machine
thinking of adding dual lpt pci card
both used for top and lpt via usb where i can

old p2 programming grumbling tank with xp sp3 for true serial and lpt

all machines bios set to enable bios plug and play aware o/s and lpt spollers services and drivers removed
legacy detection enabled
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