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 How to use topwin2004 with seven
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Posted - 11/07/2010 :  07:58:21  Show Profile
Surfing the internet I found a procedure to use topwin2004 with seven.
I try to follow the procedure but without good results.
I modified the procedure and I was able to run topwin2004
on the new o.s.
I think the main problem was a control of topwinen to the path of the driver (different between xp and seven).
I collected all the necessary files here:

1) install topwinen10
2) don't say ok to load a driver
3) finish installation
4) go to c: / top / TopWin
5) replace all files in drivers folder with the contents of the folder "files and folder to put in drivers folder" of the patch
(it should find the driver in the correct path of seven, but the driver is not correct installed becouse of the set up is not compatible with seven)

6) install topwin5 (driver compatible with seven)
7) finish installation
8) go to c: / top / TopWin5
9) replace all files in drivers folder with the contents of the folder "files and folder to put in drivers folder"of the patch
10) start the device
11) start topwin5
12) driver will be installed but topwin5 doesnt work with top2004
13) close topwin5
14) check topwinen10 (it has to work)
15) uninstall topwin5

In the same link you can find the patch that I've made for other two top2004 bugs
1) Sometimes when topwin is opening you can find the error message E ACCESS VIOLATION This is due to a cfg file created by topwin.

2) Topwin has a bug when it reads the data eeprom of microchip pic. Infact, topwin reads the data byte as opcode byte, for example ....

Sorry for my English

PS Should works with vista too
you can try the same method for other old topwin device (instead topwinen10 use specific topwin.exe)

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Edited by - oozelot on 11/12/2010 08:42:10
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