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 How to handle PALCE22V10 with TOP2005??
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17 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2006 :  16:35:26  Show Profile
I have a TOP2005 well functioning with all of the devices that i have to work with, but i have encountered some problem to handle the pld devices
in particular PALCE22V10 manufactured by AMD.
The program seems to read/erase or write correctly the device but instead it don't do anything on the device itself, and crash when i try to exit from the program with an access violation error at address....
I'm using the latest version of the software available on the download section (v2.21) and my system is running under XP PRO.
Someone know why it happens???
Verifyied same problem with GAL16V8 e GAL22V10 National Semicond.

Edited by - marquino on 10/20/2006 08:16:13
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2006 :  17:54:05  Show Profile
This is the software bug. It may be fixed in the future release.
However, you can try earlier version of software. It may work fine.


Edited by - ZLM on 10/20/2006 18:00:32
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Reply #2


17 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2006 :  01:49:54  Show Profile
When you talk about "software bug" you mean the crash when you exit from the PLD mode or that do not function the PLD programming section ?? Or whatever else ??
Pay more attention when you compile the Instruction manual, in the device list you say a very large type of devices that this programmer can handle, but reading the posts i'm not sure is the reality!!.
Excuse me for this, but to say "... in a future release..." it seems too simple for you for answer at one question about the real capability of your product !!
You don't think??
Please answer me, don't waste this message, i'm happy to talk with you!!
Best regards!!
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Reply #3


2945 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2006 :  10:06:20  Show Profile
For the bug is referring to "crash when you exit from the PLD mode ".

As we know there are no such "Bug Free" software exist. This is why the software need to be updated regularly. Please check back the software update regularly.

However, if you are not satisfied on this product, MCUmall is happy to accept return for refund. Please write your request to

Edited by - ZLM on 10/22/2006 01:38:49
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Reply #4


17 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2006 :  17:09:34  Show Profile
By the moment i'm satisfied of this product, at very reasonable cost it offer many feature, but i think that with more collaboration between you and "we", the end users, the development will be more fast.
I'm conscious that don't exist a software error-free but when you are at the v2.23(the version shipped in my package) and there is the same bugs that i found in the v1.12, can i think that there is a problem when you compile the device list ??
Well answer at my question, why PALCE22V10 or PALCE16V8 are not handle also if they are compatible with the equivalent GAL series ??
Why PIC16F84 and AT90S8515 do not function ??
Thanks for the answer.
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Reply #5


2945 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2006 :  02:04:47  Show Profile
Most of bugs are reported to the manufacture and they said they will fix those bugs. But no date promised.
Please understand that this forum is not TOP manufacturer's support forum. It's only the MCUmall's customer technical discussion forum and give the customers some helps on using the programmer. MCUmall is one of the reseller for TOP programmer.
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Reply #6


17 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2006 :  04:57:54  Show Profile
Ok,Ok, excuse me, i have partially resolved the problem, with an accurate inspection i've found a faulty transistor on the board, in particular is Q12 that after a while is going in short circuit and then programmer inoperable.
I have just repaired them and retryied all the devices it work perfectly !!
Well done guys, is a good product!
I pray you to pass the information about PALCE22V10/16V8 and GAL22V10 at the technical staff of the producer because we are at the 99.5% of the perfection, if they release a new version of the soft, even correcting the rest of chinese text remaining, and a little bugs in some type of devices, we can say that this is THE PROGRAMMER"!!!
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Reply #7


7 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2006 :  13:12:23  Show Profile
marquino, how did you determine that transistor q12 was damaged? Can you do that kind of test with a voltmeter? Any help you can give would be appreciated. I'm having trouble programming GAL22V10 and ATF22V10C.
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Reply #8


17 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2006 :  15:58:19  Show Profile
As i have just written to you in a private msg, i have found q12 in short circuit by examining pin by pin with multimeter and oscilloscope, related to the problems with GAL22V10 by the moment i have no answer from the base, also i'm not able to handle it correctly.
I have also asked for the possibility to program PALCE series and i hope to obtain a positive answer.
Always on hand for every test and argument
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Reply #9


7 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2006 :  00:16:40  Show Profile
Well i tried two different PLDs of 16v8. I tried the ATF16v8B and the ATF16v8C. The ATF16v8C does NOT work, but the ATF16v8B does work. Go figure. Oh well. I guess thats what you get when you don't pay a lot of money for these devices. I just wish they would be truthful with the device list and tell what they have tried and what doesn't work.
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Reply #10


17 Posts

Posted - 11/17/2006 :  15:40:31  Show Profile
Same problem with my devices (16v8), have you some 22v10 to try ??
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