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 Problem reading a new 24c01 eeprom in old system
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Posted - 03/25/2013 :  08:18:19  Show Profile
I am trying to replace a damaged CSI 24C01BJ EEPROM in an old system.

The problem is that the data is not readable on a new chip in the old system.

I can read the data and write the data to the old chips and install them into the old system and it works perfectly.

I can write the data to a new chip and it will not read when installed in the old system.

I can only read the data on the new chip with the USB programmer.
Using GQ-4X with latest software downloaded from this site.

I have tried the following 2 new chips:

I have tired different write speeds also.

I need to be able to install a new chip to replace damaged or corroded ones that get returned from the field.

Why can I read and write to an old original chip, but cant read the data back from a new chip when installed into the system????


Edited by - rsm4mcumall on 03/26/2013 07:08:51
Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2013 :  13:05:48  Show Profile
your system needs specific brand of chip. It is your old system cmpatibility problem. It is not universal.

Try to buy exact chip of your old chip.
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Reply #2


United Kingdom
29 Posts

Posted - 05/01/2013 :  06:14:37  Show Profile
Try and short pins 1,2,3,4and 5 and than try to read it.

If you can't do it don't screw it leave it as you find it.
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