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Posted - 04/02/2007 :  19:54:22  Show Profile
Well, I've spent a good 3 hours trying to erase a at29lv160 chip.
I can read the chip, but I'm not sure I'm reading correct data.

When I do a get id i get a 0x18

What am I doing wrong? I have a tsop48 adaptor, when I try to erase
the chip I get a cannot erase chip.

The manual shows a TSOP 48 adaptor that I don't have. (slightly diff config)

The manual shows a jumper jp1 as a 3.3 when open. So I remove the jumper cap and thus it's open for 3.3?

Sorry the manual for this thing is less than clear.

I was able to reporgram a computer bios chip no problems, however I
don't think this think is reading correctly and is definately not erasing or writing.

There is also a JP3 on the tsop 48 that I have no clue as to what it's function is.

I also have select VCC 3.3~3.6 pop up on the screen when I run certain
versions of the software.
What does this mean? I'm following the damn dip switch prompts.
I know you didn't write this software, but a "Please select 3.3 voltage somehow somewhere=) would be nice instead of a cryptic
message with a ~ placed in it.

(yes I'm frustrated, it shows doesn't it?)

I've tried opening jumper j1 on the mismatched tsop48 adaptor, but as it's NOT the exact same adaptor, I don't know what it's doing.

I understand that writing chips is a complex business, but the manuals seem to be in a poorly translated english.

I would like to know:

Do i need a seperate power adaptor to program this chip?
Do I need to change any specific jumpers?
My address lines match up.

I keep reading about how, i need 12.5 to bypass the security section of this chip, but from what i read it should be doing that if the jumpers are set to 12.5.

Please, be gentle I'm new, I know I sound peckish, I want this thing to work.

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