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 Using The Enhanced/Dual power Willem Programmer
 Programming SST39VF040 Error
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2 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  18:49:06  Show Profile
I have recently purchased the Enhanced Willem Programmer on eBay. I have installed the latest software 0.97ja on my HP-nx7010 laptop.

When programming the SST39VF040, I get "error at 0x008B80 Chip=0x00 buffer=0xFF". The A18 jumper and DIP settings for SST39VF040:

A18 - Top 2 pins are short
JP-1 & JP-2 OFF
JP-5 & JP-6 ON
JP-7 JP-8 & JP-9 OFF
JP-10 & JP-11 ON

Just wondering if the Enhanced Willem Programmer supports SST39VF040 (4mb Flash-3V Vpp)?? Does the Enhanced Willem Programmer supports 3V Vpp Bios??

Can someone please confirm that A18 jumper and DIP settings for SST39VF040 are correct?

Thx Dragon
Reply #1


138 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2005 :  18:06:35  Show Profile
Yes. The programmer should support this chip.

Your A18 and DIP setting are correct.

It seems the chip not been erased before you program it. Try to erase it first.

Normally we need to do a blank check before writ anything into. Also, check the ID will tell you if your jumper and DIP is set correctly.

Edited by - usb on 03/17/2005 18:07:48
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Reply #2


2 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2005 :  16:50:28  Show Profile
I have purchased AM29LV040B to replace the faulty SST39VF040. However I still have no luck with programming the new chip AM29LV040B.

When programming the AM29LV040B, I still get "error at 0x0000XX Chip=0xAA buffer=0xFF".

I can successfully erase, blank test and check the ID for the AM29LV040B. I am using the same A18 and DIP settings as the SST39VF040 for AM29LV040B ( 0.97ja does not have info for AM29LV040B).

Is there a special jumper settings for AM29LV040B? Or perhaps the
Enhanced Willem Programmer does not support AM29LV040B?

Thx for assistance.
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Reply #3


138 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2005 :  16:36:36  Show Profile
I don not have AM29LV040B for testing. So I'm not sure if they are 100% compatible or not. You may need read the datasheet to find out the differences between them.
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Reply #4


5 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2006 :  17:17:05  Show Profile
Hello, I don’t know if this is the problem with your unit, but some brands and/or makes of laptops do not supply enough current on the LPT port. You may want to try burring your chips on a regular desktop pc and see if that works. I had the same problem with another sst chip.
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Reply #5


46 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2006 :  11:43:40  Show Profile
Originally posted by dragon

Just wondering if the Enhanced Willem Programmer supports SST39VF040 (4mb Flash-3V Vpp)?? Does the Enhanced Willem Programmer supports 3V Vpp Bios??
The Enhanced and Universal programmers don't have native support for low voltage devices. You can use an adapter that has diodes (yuk!) to reduce VCC.

The correct way to support low voltage devices is to run the programmer at the same voltage (instead of 5V) and to handle the low voltage to high voltage interface issue between the programmer and computer (some laptop chipsets have problems with low voltage signals).

The Willem 4.1 is the only programmer I'm aware of that does this correctly. All other programmers run the programmer at 5V and drop VCC to the device to around 3.6V. So they overdrive all of the signals to the device being read/programmed, and under drive the inputs to the CD4014. That is sloppy design work...

So far that design is only available from Willem ( and me (I resell his programmers in North America).

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