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43 Posts |
Posted - 02/19/2017 : 03:53:36
Hello, i use translator.
I need to add the Winbond 25Q16DVSIG chip. It is the chip of a tplink spi 8 pin router. I will use a cable with an adapter clip to read the chip without desoldering, but I do not recognize the chip, and I am not able to add it. I do not know what kind of chip it is exactly, to write it in devices text, I have already proven it, but it gives me error when starting willem.
Can anyone tell me clearly for an inexperienced, how to add this chip in willem gq-4x and work properly?
regards |
Reply #1
2578 Posts |
Reply #2
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/20/2017 : 12:48:42
Hello, thanks for answering. I just added the chip as you told me, but it's not the same chip:
W25Q16DVSIG ---this is the mine, change the letters C. W25Q16CVSIG
Does not matter and is the same kind of chip? I added this: Name="25Q16DVSIG",ID="EF6017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="5V",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-081+ADP-099 adapter"
Only i changed the chip name, but no other things, the ID does it have to be specific for my chip, or does it serve the same as the chip you've set for example?
Well , willem start ok, select the new chip, and go to device ID option: device ID(hex) FFFFFF Manufacture: Not in library Type:Unknown device,
I think the id is wrong, but I do not know until I try the chip if I detect it to read it.
It seems that in the message that you have passed me, they talk about putting an adapter: "Put ADP-099 voltage jumper on 1V8 position. Make sure the ADP-099 is used. The programmer will supply 5V voltage. Without ADP-099, the chip maybe damaged.";
I also need the adapter for this chip that I have?
And other thing, my willem is damaged I think my willem gq4x does not work well.(fail test H/W not is possible, and fail to write or erase in other chip) I think it was your anniel who told me a few months ago, now I would like to look at repairing it if possible, I do not rule out opening a new post in the future when I clarify some basic points with willem, in this case, program the chip 25Q16DVSIG for see willem work or not.
I have 4 identical routers with the same chip, I can test without adapter to see what happens???? To see if it detects or not the new chip that I have added, because I do not have an adapter.
regards |
Reply #3
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2017 : 04:25:12
Firstly, before attempting anything else, you should repair your programmer. |
Reply #4
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2017 : 11:03:51
You're definitely right, I must first repair willem.
I just wrote a windbond w25q64cv chip, it is written, and it checks, but it turns out, that a piece of extra code is added ... I wrote a bios chip spi motherboard asus h81m-c, original from the manufacturer but when I save it, it changes the code the final part, seen with a editor hex, I do not understand why willem adds me extra code ... or it's fault Pc, computer, I do not know. Willem can read the chip w25q64cv, can erase, remove lock/unlock chip, write, verify, but extra code is added...
You give me permission to open a post in the future to try to repair my willem ??? I have taken my willem to repair in several electronics stores, but I have not been able to solve any of them. Is best open other post??
Respect to the initial post, on the chip of the router, for now I let it stay until I know what happens to willem. Willem have the test H/W is not working, the other test are good, votage diagnostic, and detect hardware is ok, but fail test H/W, i not have idea to repair it ,or see the error.
Thank you very much. |
Reply #5
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2017 : 15:30:27
What is in the buffer should be what goes in the chip! Can you post before/after bins of what you are talking about?
You do not need permission to open a new topic, this forum is quite "open" and free of nuisances except "gold coins" and such.
For failing hardware tests, maybe ZLM can help you more than I can.
You're welcome!
Reply #6
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2017 : 03:14:09
Not to which you refer with the buffer of the chip. I am going to try to expose what happens to me:
This is the log of willem after recording correctly an image bios:
This is a hex comparer, file asus h81mc is the 1, original of manufacturer, and the 2, is the image i write wich willem,see wich is different, It does not add code, one cuts it away, pardon I was wrong.
You can see since it is different, cuts away code, pardon, upside-down that I said.
The bios does not work on having placed it in the PC. If I record an image working, to do a backup, and to record it, I have to try if it works. Not if I do something badly on having recorded the original image of the manufacturer, and it is necessary to retouch the image with a hexadecimal editor.
With regard to the failure of hardware:
Test H/W: It does not work, can push the button.
Detect hardware is ok:
Voltage diagnostic is ok:
I have exposed the problems, maybe it had been much better to open an exclusive thread on trying to see that it happens with test H/W,sorry. If it is necessary, we can close this post, and open the new one, or since want.
Thank you very much.
Reply #7
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2017 : 03:57:51
Do you have a copy of the chip before you tried to write to it? |
Reply #8
2578 Posts |
Reply #9
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2017 : 04:59:31
OK the buffer is the code, only i have the old versión of program. I installed the new version 6.38
But test H/W fail. I have a rootkit , backdoor firmware in motherboard.It may have something to do with willem malfunction ??
I write a backup of chip h81m-c Of a working pc , and write in other chip, (i have more chips) and compare wich hex editor, and it's the same code or buffer, no change nothing in this case ( but the full image change comparate wich manufacturer image), but no start the pc.(I have to try to do a cmos reset in case I get it.)
Right now I am rewriting the manufacturer's version with the new version of the willem program, to see if the same thing happens.
Thank you.
Reply #10
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2017 : 06:22:50
You do know that the H81M-C .CAP file size is bigger than the chip size?
Try this file.
Download Attachment: 4824115 |
Reply #11
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/25/2017 : 01:15:18
I do not know, really, I had heard something about retouching the manufacturer's images before recording them, but I do not know how.
Look, for example, the image of the manufacturer occupies 8,390,656 bytes, the image that was working on the pc occupies 8,388,608 bytes, and your image that you have given me, occupies 8,388,608 bytes, the same as the one that is working On the pc.
I guess I can know what parts are modified in the image if you tell me which bios version is the one that you have passed me. Why do this have to be done with all bios and firmware of the manufacturer before recording them with willem?
As I have several chips, two gygadevice, and 3 winbond, I have tried with another windbond, since the gygadevice I do not know the id in devices to add it, then with another windbond I have managed to record the image that you have passed me, and the pc starts , but it turns out that after starting the pc, it stays in black for a few seconds, and it restarts another time... Then I have read the chip again with willem and I have compared again the image that you have passed me, with the image read from your image working on the pc, and you change many pieces of code or buffer...see:
The chip that used first, does not work, flashrom told me it was a programmable chip only once and could not be programmed, Is strange, because it is the same as the chip that works, and this happens to me with other chips gygadevice.I already tell you that I have worked with another winbond same, I do not understand why it does not work on the other winbond same.
In addition, it has occurred to me to record the image that you have passed to me, and to protect the chip with the function of lock, to see if this way, when restarting the pc, does not modify the buffer.But if I protect the chip, it only accepts to protect region 2, no more, and when I put the chip on the motherboard, it will not boot. I need to put the chip unprotected, then it works, but the buffer is modified.
I have tried writing a backup of h81mc running, with the right size of the image,(image old) and it does not work, I have to try more times.
So, it seems that willem maybe if it works ??? I'll have to do more tests. But I do not understand why I can not select the test option H / W
Well, thank you very much. The images after recording willem are good, wich your versión of bios, and with the backup version, it does not cut code either, it just happened with the manufacturer's version, of course, I guess it was because it did not fit the entire buffer and cut it because it did not fit, thank you very much.
So as you see, it seems that I did not do well, and that there is a problem on the motherboard, which rewrites the buffer. Then the problem is with the motherboard. I would like to make sure that willem works well, and to be able to record some routers, I have a cable clamp test soic 8. Why the motherboard, I have no idea how to repair it, I think the chipset, the lan chip, audio, graphic, etc is affected .......
regards |
Reply #12
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/25/2017 : 04:43:34
There is obviously something wrong with your motherboard as the chip was programmed correctly and it was erased by the motherboard. It did pass the verify after you programmed it, right?
For the Gygadevice chips you can forgo the ID check or simply create another devices.txt entry. |
Reply #13
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/25/2017 : 06:06:32
Yes is verify and all good, only change the buffer at put the chip in motherboard, and start in cicle restarting. OK Thanks. I need, some test, have more chips, but, need learnign.
Have more motherboards wich this problem... Need, learning to flash the chip of begining this post the Winbond 25Q16DVSIG chip. Need an adapter for this chip? I will try to program more chips, if I have problems, post here, first with the 25Q16DVSIG chip, and second, have bios of 32 pins wich adapter for willem, and others chips, but need learning to add devices good, and modify images of bios of manufacturer.
If I take an image of a router from the manufacturer, and record it directly with willem, would it not work? Would you need to edit it?
Well it seems that willem works well, now I've added a gigadevice, and it seems to work, although it says to me that id check failed, it will be my fault that I've misplaced the id, I suppose.
In the next days I will try to add all the chips I have in devices, and see if I can record them, when I have more clear I comment if I have success adding all the chips I have, or if I need help to do so.
Thank you very much. |
Reply #14
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/25/2017 : 06:43:31
W25Q16DVSIG is a 3V device. Is the image file the right size for the chip? Did you enter the ID you read or got in the datasheet? |
Reply #15
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/25/2017 : 10:49:16
That is, if it goes to 3v, I need an adapter for willem ?????
Well no have the right size, because I made a backup of the router's firmware, and it occupies 16kb while the manufacturer's image occupies 1.54MB, is no good for me ...
It does not detect me at the moment, with the device that I put, because the id, I have not read it from the dataseet.
The router is a TPLINK TD-W8951ND Version: 5.1 ; First need find the datasheet, to know the id and other data,for put the chip OK.
I need help editing the firmware (to trim to the appropriate size of the chip), if you know a place where they explain.
Reply #16
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/26/2017 : 04:26:57
Well I searched the id in the dataseet and found this:
So, I do not know, but I think maybe these are the possible ids of the chip:
Then I try to add the id MF7MF0,(and other id) and willem does not start telling me:
# ERROR # The device "W25Q16DVSIG", ¨MF7MF0¨manufacturer ¨MF¨ not found in the lib, the device has not been added.
So, what I do is add the id, which you passed in the link at the beginning: "EF6017", then willem starts, and the 25q16dvsig chip appears, but of course the device id wrong,
I have dared to do it without adapter to see what happened, I give it to erase chip, but it stays 100% blocked and does not work, then tells me that chip is blank, but no, and I can read something, but I think it reads bad .
So, I'm missing the adapter, and the exact id, although with this one I've put, at least I recognize it, willem already warns that an adapter is needed.
When I have been testing, the router lights come on, and then it did not work, I changed the ip to an automatic configuration, then I turned it off and on the router, and I already gave the ip Good.
This is a log of willem wich this chip without adapter:
Can tell me, where is the adapter i need???
Reply #17
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/26/2017 : 07:44:27
ZLM could probably confirm if ADP-081+ADP-099 is correct. The ID is clearly indicated in the datasheet as EF4015. |
Reply #18
43 Posts |
Posted - 02/26/2017 : 12:10:16
Thanks a lot anniel, I did not see the id of the chip clear, you made it clear to me, and the adapter is the one that says in the clear chip denomination, thank you.
I just tried with the id that corresponds, but it does not detect, surely that is because the adapter is needed. I'll try to get the adapter and try it, I guess it will take days to get it.
Well I thought willem was wrong, because I can not select H / W option, but it seems to record well. I have to test it further and test the chip lock function. Normally, all sectors of a chip can be blocked, or only section 2?
Thank you very much. |
Reply #19
43 Posts |
Reply #20
2578 Posts |
Posted - 02/27/2017 : 04:53:28
I don't think you need an adapter for a 3V chip just try by lowering the VCC in the device definition. |
Reply #21
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2017 : 05:30:36
Okay, I have managed to add the chip to willem, and I detected the id, lowering the voltage to 3.6v, and a lot of attention with the clip making good contact with the chip, this was the main problem.
The read version of the router with willem occupies 2097152 bytes, and the original version of the manufacturer, domestic version, occupies, 1623466 bytes, I have noticed that it seems that willem writes the remaining space at the end ż?.
The first time I detected the chip, after trying many times, I recorded the image and it was not recorded well:
I have re-erased the chip, check it, and write it again removing the protection in block2, and now it has been recorded well, it matches the manufacturer's version, just as I mentioned before, the image occupies less than the chip, and It looks like willem to writing to refill, I do not know.
Now again comparing it with the hexadecimal editor, we can see that nothing changes, more than the end that is written space:
So, I tried the router, but now it does not work, sends signal to the pc, but does not detect ip, I get the ip:
Well it seems that willem record well, thank you very much for your clarifications, now I need to learn how to record a correct image of the manufacturer for the router, or know that I do wrong.
Well, I'm going to put the chip I've added in devices, plus another more like that I'm trying to detect, but I think it's the soic clamp's fault 8, they do not make good contact, and they skip the chip.
For tplink of this post: Name="25Q16DVSIG",ID="EF4015",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="2097152",Adapter="ADP-081+ADP-099 adapter"
For other tplink wifi router: Name="W25Q32FVSIG",ID="EF4016",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="Winbond",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="4194304",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";
Any help to record the manufacturer's version on the router, will be welcomed
regards |
Reply #22
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2017 : 07:11:31
Post the original file you pulled from the chip and the manufacturer's version as an attachment so I can have a look. |
Reply #23
43 Posts |
Reply #24
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2017 : 19:05:18
This is for a Zyxel or Tplink? |
Reply #25
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2017 : 05:22:30
The router is a tp link TD-W8951ND version is the 5.1. I put the last firmware more new. The oficial page:
I think I have more different routers with the same bad firmware, or similar, I have not compared with hexadecimal editor, and I do not know for sure.
I've looked for a free firmware version for this model, but I have not found it.
Meanwhile, I'm looking at another TL-WR841N wifi tplink router, I've added another 3v chip, but it only takes me to 5v:
Name = "W25Q32FVSIG", ID = "EF4016", Class = "W25X10", Category = "SERIAL_EPROM", MFG = "Winbond", Vcc = "5V", CodeSize = "4194304", Adapter = "ADP- ADP-027 adapter ", Platform =" GQ-4X ";
With this router, I have been able to read, record as in the previous one, and it happens to me the same bad firmware modified in the router, it takes more than the original firmware of the manufacturer, in this case I have put a free ddrwt firmware, Has been recorded well and verified, but same as with the previous one does not work.
Thank you very much.
Reply #26
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2017 : 07:16:46
What happens when you try to install the firmware the normal way? |
Reply #27
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2017 : 09:10:38
If when I install the firmware from the router configuration web page, with the normal procedure, the router accepts the file and updates, but then when comparing the versions, do not match, ie the image recorded in the router, does not match The original image of the manufacturer recently recorded, but if I can update different versions of firmware, this always records poorly.
I'm not sure why this happens, but maybe it's because of a blocking of a part of the chip, it seems to be blocking the block2 on the routers I've been looking at.
I also have bad motherboards firmware, and it may also have to do with the problem, I do not know, of course, I do not have any computer equipment without compromising.
Greetings. |
Reply #28
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2017 : 14:24:37
You should start by the computer. |
Reply #29
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2017 : 14:40:36
Yes but I can not get a new pc that works properly for the moment.
I would like to try to write the image of the manufacturer on the router.
I will try to find information on how to record the manufacturer's image on the router, and I will try to get a new pc when possible.
I bought a rasperry pi zero, but I'm missing pieces, I'm waiting.
With a pc that works correctly, it is possible that the router update normally works, but I do not know.
Reply #30
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2017 : 16:00:59
What's wrong with the PC? |
Reply #31
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2017 : 16:23:12
If with the pc, I have a backdoor, rootkit in the firmware. The bios is rewritten and blocked, affected intel management region, I suffer revoked host key, man in the middle atack, dns spoofing and other things.
Wrong operation of the pc with commands and programs.
I am trying to update the image that I have passed and I have recorded with willem from the pc, but I do not get it, it tells me that it does not accept the file. I'm going to do more testing in the next few days, maybe I'm wrong with the firmware version, I do not know what's going on.
I will try to record the first version or other older firmware version, to see what happens.
Greetings. |
Reply #32
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2017 : 06:36:27
Hello again. I think at least it's clear that willem does seem to work.
Well, I've recorded the oldest image for the router, first I've updated it on another router just like I have from the pc from the web, and it has been updated, (with the defective version). So I've picked up the router that I have tests , and I have writed the old firmware version correctly, but it does not work.
Same thing as before, it is recorded correctly, but the end is written, because the image is smaller, and it does not work.
So, I thought that returning to the same version of defective firmware original, would work, because it occupies exactly the same size, but it is recorded correctly, and it does not work either, that strange.
Anyway, I just realized that the tweezers test soic 8, they have worn out the tips of both trying, and inexperience, made it incorrectly and broken, I can not pick up any more chips, skip the tweezers, I'm going to Get other test soic 8 pliers to be able to continue testing.
If you can think of anything, tell me.
Greetings, and thank you very much. |
Reply #33
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2017 : 05:34:43
Defective adapters or test clips is good way to get bad results! |
Edited by - anniel on 03/04/2017 05:35:10 |
Reply #34
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/05/2017 : 13:17:55
Sorry, I just realized that the image I recorded back with the original image on the router, has been recorded correctly, because the router works again.
Willem works. I have tried to repair the soic 8 claws, but impossible, until I have a new ones I can not do anymore.
So, it seems to be, that i have to retouch something in the image of the manufacturer, add code, or I do not know, no idea.Maybe it can be, adding the final part of the image that if it works, in the manufacturer's, to complete the size?
In the meantime I have looked at accessing other router via usb serial port, and on a zyxel I have succeeded.But in the end, I've done a hard reset, and it no longer works, it turns a red light and it warms ....
Thank you very much. |
Reply #35
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2017 : 14:37:55
While I wait for pieces I am doing tests.
I tried to burn version of bios (on h81m-c) , and this time, I put the chip in hot without turning off the machine, with a lock on the chip, so that when I reboot, the screen is no longer black, And restarts, restarted cleanly. I have compared the code and just change the beginning. Then I've done it again, and it seems like there are some minor changes, but I have to test more.
Greetings. |
Reply #36
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2017 : 19:05:45
Thank you. Keep us informed. |
Reply #37
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2017 : 06:30:50
I do not know how to clean it. I'm waiting for a few cables to connect the motherboard to port spi to willen and see how I can access the chips.
In an old motherboard with bios plc32 I can connect willem as in the modern port spi?
I think there is a lock on the motherboard, when I run flashrom on linux it tells me:
T @ t: ~ $ sudo flashrom -p internal Flashrom v0.9.9-r1955 on Linux 4.4.0-66-generic (x86_64) Flashrom is free software, get the source code at
Calibrating delay loop ... OK. Found "Intel H81" chipset. This chipset is marked as untested. If you are using an up-to-date version Of flashrom * and * were (not) able to successfully update your firmware with it, Then please email to report to including verbose (-V) log. Thank you! Enabling flash write ... Warning: BIOS region SMM protection is enabled! Warning: Setting Bios Control at 0xdc from 0x2a to 0x09 failed. New value is 0x2a. Warning: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated. PROBLEMS, continuing anyway Found Winbond flash chip "W25Q64.V" (8192 kB, SPI) mapped at physical address 0x00000000ff800000. No operations were specified.
You know how to remove the SMM protection region, and the spi configuration lockdown ??
I guess that's why the chip is rewritten, and it has the other chips blocked.
After changing the bios in hot, I was able to install the drivers from the original cd without failures, because previously I could not install.
But the problem persists.
I want to know, if the network chips, audio, graphics, chipset, I can add them to devices, and then access port spi to reprogram them.
Or maybe the easiest thing to do is remove the protections on the motherboard, so that it works normally, but I do not know.
Greetings. |
Reply #38
2578 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2017 : 18:41:20
If you want to use Flashrom you should ask on their forum. |
Reply #39
43 Posts |
Posted - 03/13/2017 : 01:11:08
Sorry, I just commented on the flashrom log for you to see SPI Configuration Lockdown activated and BIOS region SMM protection is enabled.
I intend to use willem, it is better than flashrom.
Greetings. |
Reply #40
2578 Posts |
Posted - 05/23/2017 : 10:28:21
Did you resolve your problem? |
Reply #41
462 Posts |
Posted - 05/29/2017 : 05:45:09
quote: Originally posted by anniel
Did you resolve your problem?
A 3 letter agency probably got hold of him and resolved hip problem. |
Reply #42
2578 Posts |
Posted - 05/29/2017 : 08:35:33
That would explain his absence. |
Reply #43
462 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2017 : 09:47:50
quote: Originally posted by anniel
That would explain his absence.
Prolonged absence. |
Reply #44
2578 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2017 : 19:12:13
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by anniel
That would explain his absence.
Prolonged absence.
Or disparition. |
Reply #45
462 Posts |
Posted - 06/20/2017 : 04:48:22
quote: Originally posted by anniel
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by anniel
That would explain his absence.
Prolonged absence.
Or disparition.
We'll never know. |
Reply #46
2578 Posts |
Posted - 06/27/2017 : 12:54:14
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by anniel
quote: Originally posted by supervizeur
quote: Originally posted by anniel
That would explain his absence.
Prolonged absence.
Or disparition.
We'll never know.
Probably |
Topic |