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 GQ-4X and ADP-054 no longer working
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Posted - 03/19/2018 :  16:03:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My ADP-054 was working fine earlier today however now it refuses to get past 3% on 27C400 it's always the same address and the write is off by 8. I am using a power supply with the GQ-4X and as stated it worked earlier today, I was able to program about 24 chips without issue. Blank checking works fine but writing does not.

Some examples:
Chip is blank
ID check skipped
Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 2.34 seconds.
Write failed, Address=0x00402D, Buffer=0xEB Device=0xE3
Write failed

And with a smaller chip - HN27C4096

Write failed, Address=0x00000B, Buffer=0x88 Device=0x80
Write failed
Different file but HN27C4096
Write failed, Address=0x000003, Buffer=0x0B Device=0x03
Write failed

I know it isn't the chips because I tried almost 20 different 27C400 and all failed at the same exact address writing after passing a blank check. I was able to program the HN27C4096 with my cheap chinese TL866 fine.

Any ideas what may be going on? J1 is set to the first position.
Reply #1


2578 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2018 :  04:18:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sammargh

My ADP-054 was working fine earlier today however now it refuses to get past 3% on 27C400 it's always the same address and the write is off by 8. I am using a power supply with the GQ-4X and as stated it worked earlier today, I was able to program about 24 chips without issue. Blank checking works fine but writing does not.

Some examples:
Chip is blank
ID check skipped
Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 2.34 seconds.
Write failed, Address=0x00402D, Buffer=0xEB Device=0xE3
Write failed

And with a smaller chip - HN27C4096

Write failed, Address=0x00000B, Buffer=0x88 Device=0x80
Write failed
Different file but HN27C4096
Write failed, Address=0x000003, Buffer=0x0B Device=0x03
Write failed

I know it isn't the chips because I tried almost 20 different 27C400 and all failed at the same exact address writing after passing a blank check. I was able to program the HN27C4096 with my cheap chinese TL866 fine.

Any ideas what may be going on? J1 is set to the first position.

Defective or dirty socket?
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