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 Program the 6264 sram?
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9 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2018 :  04:43:03  Show Profile
I know this sounds kind of stupid, but is there any way to program this sram module?
I have searched a lot but don't seem to find anything.
My programmer (the Willem pcb5) can test it by writing random code in it and then verifying it, but is there any way I can force my own code in it?
I provide the chip with constant power from a 3V battery so the data won't be lost after the process.
Thanks in advance
Reply #1


2578 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2018 :  15:58:09  Show Profile
Originally posted by Rabite2

I know this sounds kind of stupid, but is there any way to program this sram module?
I have searched a lot but don't seem to find anything.
My programmer (the Willem pcb5) can test it by writing random code in it and then verifying it, but is there any way I can force my own code in it?
I provide the chip with constant power from a 3V battery so the data won't be lost after the process.
Thanks in advance

GQ-4X select HM6264LP.
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Reply #2


9 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2018 :  02:24:03  Show Profile
Oh, I see that means I have to get myself a new programmer. I'll see what I'll do because that GQ-4X fills a little expensive for me now.
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Reply #3


2578 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2018 :  09:03:39  Show Profile
Originally posted by Rabite2

Oh, I see that means I have to get myself a new programmer. I'll see what I'll do because that GQ-4X fills a little expensive for me now.

You can also look at the device line and try to transpose to your programmer.
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Reply #4


2578 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2018 :  09:06:36  Show Profile
Originally posted by Rabite2

My programmer (the Willem pcb5) can test it by writing random code in it and then verifying it, but is there any way I can force my own code in it?

You could also try to find where that random code comes from.
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