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 MX29F1615 Error writing

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pierpa86 Posted - 11/03/2024 : 08:12:59
I'm trying to write a file on my MX29F1615 but its always fail

Write failed, Address=0x005540, Buffer=0xFF Device=0xFF

-Done same test with 10 other eprom and same error.

If i change file with any other there is no problem, its working fine.
After a lot of test its seems a file problem.
something in this file causes the writing process to go wrong.
Bug of adapter ?
Bug on programmer software ?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pierpa86 Posted - 11/20/2024 : 10:16:59
I solved it by giving this programmer back and buying a better one Xgecu T56, a little more money but at least I have control of the PINs which avoids a random writing failure due to a bad contact and without an adapter for the dip42.
Software is up to date and its support more dip42 chip.
pierpa86 Posted - 11/07/2024 : 02:48:38
Guys i need official supporto to understand quickly the problem, if the problem is on the adapter i can send it back to GQ Elettronics UK Europe on Amazon
Otherwise tell me please.

pierpa86 Posted - 11/06/2024 : 06:10:54
Some progress, as i say the problem occur only if i write that file on MX29F1615
But today i completed my new adapter from Ptchnk project and its working fine

ID check OK
Elapsed time: 16.17 seconds.
Erase completed.
Blank checking... Buffer
Elapsed time: 24.78 seconds.
Chip is blank
Writing... Buffer
Elapsed time: 194.52 seconds.
Device write completed OK
Verifying... Buffer
Device is verified

So the problem is on original adapter.
But since the same file can be written of a different memories, tested on 27c160 and 27c322, where is located the problem ?
Bug on adapter schematic ? Is that the last version ? ADP-054 v4.1
Seems not broken if can write the same buffer data on a 27c160.

Tell me what you think about guys.
pierpa86 Posted - 11/05/2024 : 13:12:02
Here you are, please test it with a MX29F1615

Here the error, a new try for you.
Always fail at the same address
pierpa86 Posted - 11/05/2024 : 13:02:51
Because the problem arises only if I use that file, I also thought it was an eeprom problem but I get the same error on the same address every time I use this file, if instead I change files on the same bank if I try to write any other file, it works fully . I have 40 eeproms available and for now they all work, I can't write just this file.

does anyone want to try this eeprom model? do you want me to share the file?

Originally posted by anniel

Originally posted by pierpa86

I cut the file, eliminated the part where I always had the problem and it continues to work, it seems that something inside this file doesn't like it and is sending the programmer into error.

Why would you think the file would have any effect on the programmer?

anniel Posted - 11/05/2024 : 08:04:00
Originally posted by pierpa86

Done another test, writing on C322 and its work fine.
So the problem it on this file and this MX29F1615

Looks like you have bad or fake chips.
anniel Posted - 11/05/2024 : 08:03:01
Originally posted by pierpa86

Write failed, Address=0x005740, Buffer=0xFF Device=0xFF
Write failed

Why did the address changed?
anniel Posted - 11/05/2024 : 08:01:48
Originally posted by pierpa86

I cut the file, eliminated the part where I always had the problem and it continues to work, it seems that something inside this file doesn't like it and is sending the programmer into error.

Why would you think the file would have any effect on the programmer?
anniel Posted - 11/05/2024 : 08:00:05
Originally posted by pierpa86

I'm trying to write a file on my MX29F1615 but its always fail

Write failed, Address=0x005540, Buffer=0xFF Device=0xFF

-Done same test with 10 other eprom and same error.

If i change file with any other there is no problem, its working fine.
After a lot of test its seems a file problem.
something in this file causes the writing process to go wrong.
Bug of adapter ?
Bug on programmer software ?

Your picture doesn't show the right address.
pierpa86 Posted - 11/05/2024 : 05:28:34
This is the Official support forum ?
Can i ask support here ?
pierpa86 Posted - 11/03/2024 : 08:44:07
Done another test, writing on C322 and its work fine.
So the problem it on this file and this MX29F1615
pierpa86 Posted - 11/03/2024 : 08:30:19
Write failed, Address=0x005740, Buffer=0xFF Device=0xFF
Write failed
pierpa86 Posted - 11/03/2024 : 08:15:51
I cut the file, eliminated the part where I always had the problem and it continues to work, it seems that something inside this file doesn't like it and is sending the programmer into error.

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