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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 attiny13 and 24

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dupontg Posted - 01/30/2010 : 13:50:20
is it possible to program these chip with a GQ4X ?
thank you
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mcuStoertie Posted - 09/21/2015 : 02:31:05
Hi from Germany,

I know this is a old threat, but I hope anyone from mcumall will read it. ;)

It would be perfect, when you add the ATMEL Attiny24 to the list of supported divices. (Maybe also in HV-programming mode?)

Also I'm missing the STmicrosystems ST62T20B... ;-)

Best regards from Germany
dupontg Posted - 02/14/2010 : 07:43:52
the chip is powered with 5V and 5 wires connected from the programmer( .RST MISO MOSI CLK GND.) to the ISP connector of my board.

i have programmed the flash and the eeprom
The programmer verification is OK and the program is runing correctly.
i have erased and blank verified .OK

The fuses are read in the right position for a new chip according to the Atmel description..but i did't try to change them..
best regards

ZLM Posted - 02/07/2010 : 22:22:49
It is OK for the ATtiny85-20 ??

Did you try the chip on your machine or it is been verified correctly on the programmer?
dupontg Posted - 02/05/2010 : 15:10:58
It's OK for the ATtiny85-20 with these parameters.
Normaly it should be OK for the others (same serial and only different size Flash and EEPROM)
dupontg Posted - 02/01/2010 : 03:17:24
I am waiting for few ATtiny85 (dip 8pins) and ATtiny84 (dip 14pins)
ZLM Posted - 01/31/2010 : 23:54:14
What chip you have for testing?
dupontg Posted - 01/31/2010 : 12:04:43
i have added these lines in the devices.txt

Name="ATtiny24*ISP",ID="1E910B",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="2048",EepromSize="128",ChipMode="AVRISP",FuseLabel="RSTDISBL DWEN SPIEN WDTON EESAVE BODLEVEL2 BODLEVEL1 BODLEVEL0 CKDIV8 CKOUT SUT1 SUT0 CKSEL3 CKSEL2 CKSEL1 CKSEL0 - - - - - - - SELFPRGEN -",Adapter="AVRISP connection.",Message="Power on target device is required.";
Name="ATtiny44*ISP",ID="1E9207",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="4096",EepromSize="256",ChipMode="AVRISP",FuseLabel="RSTDISBL DWEN SPIEN WDTON EESAVE BODLEVEL2 BODLEVEL1 BODLEVEL0 CKDIV8 CKOUT SUT1 SUT0 CKSEL3 CKSEL2 CKSEL1 CKSEL0 - - - - - - - SELFPRGEN -",Adapter="AVRISP connection.",Message="Power on target device is required.";
Name="ATtiny84*ISP",ID="1E930C",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="8192",EepromSize="512",ChipMode="AVRISP",FuseLabel="RSTDISBL DWEN SPIEN WDTON EESAVE BODLEVEL2 BODLEVEL1 BODLEVEL0 CKDIV8 CKOUT SUT1 SUT0 CKSEL3 CKSEL2 CKSEL1 CKSEL0 - - - - - - - SELFPRGEN -",Adapter="AVRISP connection.",Message="Power on target device is required.";
Name="ATtiny25*ISP",ID="1E9108",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="2048",EepromSize="128",ChipMode="AVRISP",FuseLabel="RSTDISBL DWEN SPIEN WDTON EESAVE BODLEVEL2 BODLEVEL1 BODLEVEL0 CKDIV8 CKOUT SUT1 SUT0 CKSEL3 CKSEL2 CKSEL1 CKSEL0 - - - - - - - SELFPRGEN -",Adapter="AVRISP connection.",Message="Power on target device is required.";
Name="ATtiny45*ISP",ID="1E9206",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="4096",EepromSize="256",ChipMode="AVRISP",FuseLabel="RSTDISBL DWEN SPIEN WDTON EESAVE BODLEVEL2 BODLEVEL1 BODLEVEL0 CKDIV8 CKOUT SUT1 SUT0 CKSEL3 CKSEL2 CKSEL1 CKSEL0 - - - - - - - SELFPRGEN -",Adapter="AVRISP connection.",Message="Power on target device is required.";
Name="ATtiny85*ISP",ID="1E930B",Class="AVRISP",Category="MCU",MFG="Atmel",CodeSize="8192",EepromSize="512",ChipMode="AVRISP",FuseLabel="RSTDISBL DWEN SPIEN WDTON EESAVE BODLEVEL2 BODLEVEL1 BODLEVEL0 CKDIV8 CKOUT SUT1 SUT0 CKSEL3 CKSEL2 CKSEL1 CKSEL0 - - - - - - - SELFPRGEN -",Adapter="AVRISP connection.",Message="Power on target device is required.";

I 'll try next week with chips ATtiny 85
best regard
ZLM Posted - 01/30/2010 : 22:38:31
Current software does not support those chips.

But they can be added the ISP programming mode. The software need to be changed. If you have those chips, then we can add this chip you do the testing.

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