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 support for 25LQ64CSIG

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lapkritis Posted - 08/05/2015 : 03:09:03
need support for 25LQ64CSIG. Device ID: C86017
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lapkritis Posted - 09/08/2015 : 01:54:06
great news ! thanks
ZLM Posted - 09/04/2015 : 11:15:51
ADP-099 See:

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lapkritis Posted - 09/03/2015 : 07:15:38
any updates on adapters? waiting to buy one
lapkritis Posted - 08/13/2015 : 06:32:38
Managed to write it without adapter this time. But news on adapter are more then welcome if it wouldn't be too expensive
ZLM Posted - 08/06/2015 : 23:39:06
working on this adapter. It may take two weeks.
lapkritis Posted - 08/06/2015 : 04:36:26
is there any of those adapters for sale?
laptech Posted - 08/06/2015 : 03:54:09
You need to build the adapter. Look at the last post of this thread I am in the process of building one but have not completed it yet
lapkritis Posted - 08/06/2015 : 03:36:42
I've just noticed that it's 1.8V chip. Do I need special adapter? Now I can erase chip (blank check passes), but I can write only original dump. If I try another one it doesn't pass verification
ZLM Posted - 08/05/2015 : 14:16:03
Try following lines into devices.txt

Name="25LQ64*SOIC8",ID="C86017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="AMIC",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-081, ADP-027 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";
Name="25LQ64*SOIC16",ID="C86017",Class="W25X10",Category="SERIAL_EPROM",MFG="AMIC",Vcc="3.6V",CodeSize="8388608",Adapter="ADP-098 adapter",Platform="GQ-4X";

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