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 True USB Willem Programmer (GQ-2X,3X,4X & GQ-4x4)
 HN462532G writing errors
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7 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2015 :  12:02:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I have new GQ-4X that is a week old.

I have a box of 40 NOS HN462532G parts that always check out as blank and show all FF when read.

I was able to write to two parts out of the first ten I tried. I keep getting errors at 4% writing with nothing actually written to the part or at 7% to 14 % with the part partially written.

I have had zero trouble reading and blank checking parts but just can't seem to write them.

I powered the programmer externally with a 12v 200mA power supply with the same results, I also changed USB cables.

I tried 10 more of these parts just now that check blank and they all fail at 4% when writing as well.

I seem to be missing something here. Are my parts bad or is it the GQ-4X?

Unfortunately at this time, I only have these 2532 parts to try.

Reply #1


2945 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2015 :  07:00:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For those old EPROMs, there are more than one factor can cause the write fail.

Try followings:
1. increase the UV erase time. This is to make sure the chip is blanked completely.
2. slow down the write speed.

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Reply #2


7 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2015 :  10:54:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I tried a longer erase time and slower speeds and still get a write fail at 4% on the HN462532G.

I read a 2716 part and saved it to file. I then erased it, blank checked it, tried to write on it, and it too failed at 4%.

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Reply #3


2945 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2015 :  21:50:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The HN462532G memory size is doubled from 2716.

So, the 4% of HN462532G address should be 8% of 2716.

Do you have any other chip for testing? Like 27C256, 27C512 ?
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Reply #4


7 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2015 :  05:36:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you so much for taking your time and helping me. I appreciate it.

I have an M27C512 part that is already written to. Is there any specific procedure you want me to try or should I just read it to a file, erase it, and try to rewrite to it?
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Reply #5


2945 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2015 :  22:33:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you know the checksum of the M27512, then you can read it and check the checksum .

If you do not know the checksum , just erase the chip write an random data file to see if it can write correctly.
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Reply #6


7 Posts

Posted - 09/28/2015 :  09:11:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I read the M27C512, saved the contents to a .BIN file, erased the part, blank checked it, and tried to write the file back to the part. It failed at 19%.

I erased the 2716 part again and tried to write to it and it failed at 9% this time.

I tried to write 5 more 2532 parts and they all failed at 4% again. They also check as being blank after the writing attempt.
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Reply #7


7 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2015 :  12:40:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just got some new ST made M2716 parts in the mail. I was able to write one part successfully, the first one I tried.

The next one I tried to write, the programmer said it was successful but the part failed to pass the power up test in my application and the code reader says the chip is blank.

I tried to write 3 more 2716 parts and they fail at 9%.

Why is this so hard?
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Reply #8


2945 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2015 :  14:28:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It should not be that hard.

What is the exact error massage when it fails?

Try with different USB cable and see it makes differences.

If the problem can not be found then you can send the programmer and chip back to MCUmall to find out the problem.
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Reply #9


7 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2015 :  13:35:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I had already tried switching USB cables before I even started this thread. So I decided to try the USB ports on the back of the computer tower, and still, no luck.

Just as I was about to start screaming, I realized I had a third USB cable to try and that seems to have fixed the problem!

I am writing chips now without incident. The same parts that wouldn't write before.

I have been using external power. Is that a bad idea or does it make programming 2532 parts with a 25V write voltage easier on the health of the programmer? When I select a 2716 part the GQ-4X tells me to apply external power anyway so I have just been leaving it connected regardless of the part being programmed. Is this okay to do?

THANKS again for your help.

Edited by - smartbomb on 10/03/2015 13:39:47
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Reply #10


2945 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2015 :  14:38:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The USB cable is very important. The bad USB cable can lead the situation more complex. Always use the cable comes the programmer. I do not think your chips need the external power. Only use external power when write fail.
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