I'm having problems burning this chip. ( device 29f040 ) If I put the jumper next to the sliders on the correct pins it will not program completly. If I move it the otherway it burns complete. The chip verifys after reading. Does this make any sence? Perhaps the software picture is wrong?
When I remove it from the progammer and put it in my board it will not boot up.
What should I be selecting under device for programming? I have tried 10 chips and no success. Any ideas anyone?
Jumper(A18) should be set to the top 2 pins. Select 29F040. Perhaps chip is sector locked? What does the device id say? Does it say the same on the chip? What does it tell you when you try to erase the chip? Does it time out after 40seconds or gives you a quick erase using dq7? What happens when you do a blank check? Are you using a dip style chip or an adapter?