I am trying to program an AM27C32-150DC with a GQ-4X. I only got a generic datasheet from the supplier which was for a NMC27C32. It says Vpp input needs to be 25v. I am using a 15vDC power supply. I run the Voltage Diagnostic test and I get "VPP 25V test passed (code:0x29)+" The AM27C32-150 is not listed under "Device Selection/Search." I have tried 27C32(25VPP) under "All(Generic)" I have tried 27C32. I have tried AM27C64. Nothing works to program the chip. They all fail verify at 0x00000 and read blank after programming attempts. Do I need a 25vDC (or more) power supply? Do I need to add a new chip to the device listing? If I choose AM2732 as the Device, I get a red message in the log, "Apply external power!" Does this mean that my external power is insufficient or is it just a reminder? How can I tell that my external power supply is being used? There are no indicator lights.