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Posted - 08/30/2006 :  20:46:45  Show Profile
I have never used eprom programmer before. So I am not familiar how to use it. Is there any kind of tutorials available to help me gain some understanding on how to use it? If so where can i get it.
I was also told that by using a good programed eprom I could make copies of it by using that information and coppying it to a blank eprom. What steps would i need to take to using an existing eprom to make copies?
Any step by step information that can help me program eprom,eeprom, flash and ect.. is more than welcome. I could use all the help available. Thanks

Mario Pena
Reply #1


14 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2006 :  03:55:06  Show Profile
The main step for all chips should be:

1. Connect the progammer to PC.
2. Run the TopWinEn.exe application, and load the data file if needed.
3. Select device.
4. Place the chip in ZIF pf programmer.
5. Read/Write the chip.
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